[last update: 11.09.2008]
Newest issue of the legendary 'zine from the UK, featuring interviews with Government Warning,
the Great St.Louis, the Loved Ones, the Rites, Subhumans (cdn) and Void Control,
the regular "Vaultage" section, this time featuring in-depth stories about Instigators, Jerry's Kids,
the Meatmen, a short Dead Kennedys interview & gig review from 1983, a T.S.O.L. interview
and articles about horror imagery in punk and bandana thrash - plus reviews and the usual odds and ends. |
Summer 2007 English 44 A4 |
3,50 € |
20 year anniversary issue! To celebrate 20 years of Artcore, Welly brings you a veritable punk rock
goodie bag - the zine itself is a 40 page one-and-a-half-fold LP sleeve that wraps around a 22 track LP compilation! The
zine has interviews w/ Career Suicide, Smalltown, Direct Control & Frontier Records as well
as in-depth articles on State, Bemisbrain Records & Bad Posture and interview with George Hurchalla
(author of "Going Underground"), plus the usual rantin', ravin' 'n' reviewin'.
The LP is a re-mastered, re-worked re-release of a compilation tape originally released in 1986, slammed down to LP length.
"America's Unknown" includes rare and unreleased tracks by Ash Tradition, Idenitity Crisis, Stukas
Over Bedrock, PTL Klub, Horror Planet, Stevie Stiletto & the Switchblades, Chronic Disorder,
Entropy & Maggot Sandwich.
Spring 2006 English 40 pg. 12x12" + LP |
11,- € |
Interviews with Niko/Blacktop Records, Moali/Circlepic Photos, Dead Swans, Dimitrij,
I Adapt, Lavotchkin, Maintain, Many Men Have Tried and Storm & Stress plus columns,
reviews and that. |
Spring 2008 English 44 A4 |
2,50 € |
New issue of Break Away and Jürgen finally got his act together and did it in English! Has
interviews w/ With Open Arms, Stabbed By Words, Soul Control, Seed Of Pain, Ruiner,
& Fall Apart plus Alex of schlops.com/Turn The Tide 'zine fame as well as columns, pics,
etc. |
Fall 2007 English 20 A4 |
2,- € |
Interviews with Dead Swans, Honour Among Thieves, Jailbait, Out Come The Wolves,
Reflections Records, Shipwreck, Soul Control and Step Forward plus Balance, Outlive,
Padded Cell and Shitty Limits introducing themselves. |
Spring 2008 English 32 A4 |
2,50 € |
Interviews w/ Blacklisted, Dirty Money, Iron Age, Losing Streak,
Nitad, Omission, Six Pack, Hein/Decline Rec. & Union Town and Gijs/Tenement
Kids, plus photos, columns, the lot. |
2007 English 36 A4 |
3,- € |
| DAWK #5
Interviews w/ Justice, Pissed Jeans, On A Bad Trip, Out Come The Wolves,
Righteous Jams, Royalbunker Records, Watch Out! & 97A, plus Black Flag history pt. 3,
Cornerstone appreciation, a short story, Lester Bangs, columns, trivia, odds & ends. |
Summer 2007 parts German, parts English 48 A4 |
2,50 € |
| DAWK #4
Interviews mit Mark McCoy (The Oath/VWM/ex-Charles Bronson), Underdog, Spoiler (ex-Justice
& Artwork für jede 2. Band derzeit), RedRedRed (Konzertmacher aus Bremen), One Dimension &
Mike Fitzgerald Records plus was zum Thema Rap, Teil 2 der Black Flag-Story, Kolumnen und einiges mehr. |
Frühjahr 2006 Deutsch 32 A4 |
2,50 € |
| GLW/DRK #4
One hundred jam packed pages in a new size, more a softcover book than your average magazine. GLW/DRK #4
has interviews with hip hop visionaries Dälek, Nate Newton of Converge/Doomriders/Old Man Gloom fame, Solid Ground,
Saul Williams, Mike Hartsfield (A.18/Outspoken/New Age Rec.), and new Zero pro James Brockman. There's also a lengthy
photo documentary about Funeral Diner's last Euro tour, pictures from San Francisco by Richard Hart, a feature about
unitedskateboardartists, approximately a gazillion record reviews, and more style than a Mexican's got family members. |
Autumn 2006 English 100 A5 (sideways) |
3,- € |
| GLW/DRK #3
There's interviews with Cursed, Off Minor, Hanin Elias (ex-Atari Teenage Riot), and Al Burian (of
Milemarker and Challenger), a lengthy retrospective on the return of Stereo Skateboards (yes, that's Jason Lee!), a
Bordeaux photo report, skateboarding on the highway, and a portfolio of British photographer Sheep. 64 full colour
pages, and it doesn't cost anything. Yup, that's right – it's available just for the cost of postage. |
Summer 2005 English 64 A4 |
0,- € |
| GLW/DRK #2
The long-awaited 2nd issue of GLW/DRK has interviews with and articles on Guy Piciotto, Yage, Against Me!, From Monument To Masses,
the Briefs, the Saddest Landscape, Miss Kittin, Peter Beste's Norwegian Black Metal photography, rockabilly pro-skater Tom Knox, independent
lingerie label la fille d'O, Decay Skateboards (t)rippin' thru the Czech Rep plus concert & skateboarding photography to boot, reviews, etc. |
Winter 2005 English 100 A4 |
1,50 € |
| The HEAT #2
So, the 2nd issue of this Polish-German fanzine joint venture finally saw the light of day and...
it was worth the wait, I guess. Interviews with 108, Asunto, Crisis Never Ends,
Death Is Not Glamorous, l'Esprit du Clan, No Turning Back and other, plus non-band interviews
with our man Mike/attheshow.org, Niko/Blacktop Records, Stephen/At Both Ends 'zine,
Marco/Avocado Booking, a piece about conspiracies, some scenesters introducing their favourite underrated
records, an interview with Chris Let It Burn Rec./the Blackout Argument about horror movies, columns,
reviews... you get the picture. |
Spring 2007 English 74 A4 |
2,50 € |
Interviews with Mike Scott/Phinius Gage, Just Die!, Omerta & Pulling Teeth
plus columns/articles and a few reviews. |
Spring 2008 English 20 A5 |
1,50 € |
Interviews with 7 Seconds, 100 Demons, Unearth, Boy Sets Fire, Thrice, Inside Me, Caliban and writers Ian Glasper & Matthias
Mader plus a few columns and scores of reviews. |
Spring 2005 English 52 A4 |
0,50 € |
Basically the first issue of A Network Of Friends (see above), even tough it was released under a different title. A fine
co-operation project of 7 different 'zines - Aversion, Hell & Damnation, Ripping Thrash, Cat On A String,
Why, Bald Cactus & Angelheart - bring you 60 A5 of interviews, articles, gossip, rants, reviews... a perfect example
for the international d.i.y. hc/punk conspiracy. |
Spring 1998 English 60 A5 |
0,50 € |
Interviews with: the Plague Mass, Thomas GLW/DRK, Zegota, the Gossip, Behind Enemy
Lines, Easpa Measa, the Tangled Lines, The Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower, the Levellers,
Rainer Maria and others. Articles about Coca Cola, action medics, Balata refugee camp Palestine, ecological suicide
etc. All that and more, including the usual array of columns and reviews. |
Winter 2006 English 116 A4 |
1,50 € |
Interviews w/ Brutal Truth, Comeback Kid, Cross Examination,
Fearless Vampire Killers, Gorilla Biscuits, Heresy, Himsa, Holier Than Thou?,
Ignite, Justice, Motörhead, Sick Of It All, SSS, Underdog,
author Tom Lebbon and pro-wrestler Shark Boy, plus columns, a Battletorn UK tour diary,
a piece about horror films and heaps of book, dvd and music reviews. |
Spring 2007 English 92 A4 |
3,- € |
| OUT OF VOGUE by Patrick Baclet
A d.i.y. photo book by Patrick Baclet, containing more than 300 pics (all black & white, all
analogue) of 47 bands, mostly taken in South Germany during the last 14 years, including At The Drive-In,
Bombenalarm, Burial, Career Suicide, Catharsis, Dead Stop, DS-13, From Ashes Rise, Fucked Up, Good Clean Fun,
Hammerhead, Phobia, Regulations, Severed Heard Of State, Tragedy, etc. |
140 A4 |
13,- € |
Interviews w/ Death Is Not Glamorous, Guns Up!, A Step Apart, Ruiner,
State Of Mind & The Break In plus a bunch of reviews and photos. |
Spring 2006 English 36 A5 |
2,- € |
| PUT IT ASIDE #1.5 b/w SAILIN' ON #2.5
It's been a while since I've seen a split fanzine, but here we go with the dudes of Put It Aside and
Sailin' On 'zines teaming up a for a joint issue. Between the two of them, there are interviews with Atari
(surprisingly not a reprint!), Death is Not Glamorous, Hoods Up, No Turning Back,
One X Voice, Remain, Rise & Fall, Sirens & Tenement Kids plus columns
and reviews. |
Summer 2007 English 48 A4 |
3,- € |
Interviews with Dirthead, Terror Art, Uge of Don't Belong distro, Hibernation, scene reports from Israel & Lithuania, loads of
reviews,... |
Summer 1998 English 48 A5 |
0,50 € |
So Much More #4, at last! Has interviews w/ Hjertestop, the Rites, Terminal State
& Wolf Whistle, an article about Emmet Till, some local scene news and a bit of personal stuff. |
Winter 2007 English 20 A4 |
2,- € |
Interviews w/ Rise & Fall and, uh, some dude named Jan Capeet... plus some of Mr.
Dietrich's amazing photos, columns, more columns and apparently even colums! ;) Get this. |
Summer 2007 English 20 A4 |
2,- € |
Team Münster in gewohnt guter Form, diesmal mit 86 Mentality, A Step Apart, Assault Records, the Dead,
In My Eyes, Insted, New Age Rec., Restless Youth, Right Here, Rise & Fall sowie HC-Guides Münster & Hamburg
sowie die üblichen Rubriken & Standards - Mixtape-Battle, Fit For Pit, Headshots, Kolumnen, Reviews etc. |
Winter 2005/06 Deutsch 84 A4 |
2,50 € |
Now this is one massive fucker of a fanzine... VOS #10 contains no less than 168 pages, featuring a great
variety of interviews with Cursed, the (International) Noise Conspiracy, the Locust, Plan Of Attack,
the Fire Theft, Richie Birkenhead (of Underdog, Into Another & the Formula), the Suicide File,
Rise and Fall, the National Anthems, Johnny Forward (of Reaching Forward, Downslide, Deadmind Records etc.),
Breather Resist and Omission. With stuff about food, art, animal rights, politics and the core, a The Hope Conspiracy
euro-tour report and an extensive review section topped off with the usual tons of photos and more. |
Summer 2006 English 168 A4 |
5,- € |
Interviews mit Noble Cause, Crusaders, Lousy, the Ruction (Oi! aus
Singapur), , Tower Blocks, Ultimatum (Oi! aus Kolumbien) & Whiskey Rebels,
eine Menge Reviews, ein Interview mit Fabian/Clockwork Tattoos (Südtirol), Artikel die ewige
Streitfrage "Vinyl oder CD", das Zusammenstellen von Samplern und noch einiges mehr. |
Frühling 2007 Deutsch 60 A5 |
2,- € |
Interviews with Broken Distance, Go It Alone, Go For Broke, Hoods Up
& True Colors plus a reprint of an In My Eyes interview done by Erik Anarchy on their European
tour in 2000, several columns, a fair share of reviews and the usual odds and ends. |
Spring 2007 English 44 A4 |
2,50 € |
The infamous zinester brigade from Southern Austria strikes back with their long awaited second
issue... containing interviews with Allegiance, Anchors X Up!, Damaged Goods, Dirty
Money, Fall Apart, I Rise (cdn) and 1917 Records plus Ruiner's European tour diary,
columns, a European zine overview and more. |
Fall 2007 English 68 ca. A4 |
2,50 € |
Neues Punkrock-Fanzine aus Niederösterreich, in dieser Ausgabe gibt's Interviews mit
BeNuts, Front, the Scapegoats, Suburban Scumbags, den Leuten vom Movimento
sowie Silvio von Rudemonkeys Booking, Artikel über die Intiative Pankahyttn sowie Punkrock &
Porno, einen Provokant Wertvoll-Tourbericht, Kolumnen & Reviews. |
Frühjahr 2007 Deutsch 48 A5 |
1,50 € |
Wie der Name vermuten lässt: ein Zine über Fanzinekultur. Inhalt dieser Ausgabe: Kolumnen zum Thema "Fanzines
auf dem Klo",Interviews mit Fanzine-Veteran Franz Bielmeier und Noya vom israelischen Patrol-Zine, Essay über den Bezug zu
persönlichen Fanzines, Anleitung für computerbasierte Fanzine-Layouts, Fanzine-Schätze im Archiv der Jugendkulturen,
nicht ganz ernst gemeinte Ideen für Themen-Fanzines, und natürlich jede Menge Fanzine-Reviews... |
Herbst 2005 Deutsch 44 A5 |
1,50 € |